§ Notices §

Start at 11/12/11

End at 13/08/11

Thanks for everyone that support B.A.P If u like them, please continue to support them

Thanks a lot

目前分類:MV♥現場 (5)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2012-10-04 B.A.P-Power Live場 下 (120522-120609) (170) (4)
2012-10-01 B.A.P-Power Live場 上 (120427-120520) (232) (0)
2012-04-29 B.A.P Power MV 截圖 (432) (8)
2012-04-27 B.A.P-第二張單曲 "Power" (505) (6)
2012-04-26 B.A.P-Power Teaser +Trailer (372) (11)