§ Notices §

Start at 11/12/11

End at 13/08/11

Thanks for everyone that support B.A.P If u like them, please continue to support them

Thanks a lot

目前分類:碎碎念 (10)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2013-02-14 please never say sorry....(about金力燦受傷) (847) (3)
2012-10-22 Hey, T$, Do you know what you do now? (325) (6)
2012-05-14 公告 (490) (15)
2012-04-29 關於受傷.... (686) (9)
2012-04-21 KBS 阿拉伯電台觀後感 (179) (0)
2012-04-20 4月(朵拉的)近況~>_<(4/20新增 (273) (8)
2012-03-01 朵拉的公告 (273) (8)
2012-02-22 朵拉的碎碎念3 (420) (8)
2011-12-21 朵拉的碎碎念2-公告 (131) (0)
2011-12-11 朵拉的碎碎念~ (257) (0)